Useful information
Wind and Water Conditions
Fanes in Rhodes is a popular place for water sports activities such as kite surfing and windsurfing. The wind conditions in Fanes are ideal for these sports as they are constant, very reliable and strong. The prevailing wind in the region is the Meltemi, a northeasterly wind that provides excellent propulsion almost every day during the summer and blows almost exclusively side-shore / side-shore, on-shore in Fanes.
From the morning hours, the wind builds steadily until the late afternoon hours. Conditions beyond 15 knots of wind are guaranteed almost daily during the summer months of May – September. Very often even more than 20 knots of wind are reached.
The water conditions in Fanes are also optimal for water sports enthusiasts. The sea is mostly calm and offers good visibility. The water temperatures are pleasantly warm (25°C – 28°C). A neoprene shorty is good, but not mandatory, especially in the summer months. With the right wind direction, surf up to 2m high builds up from time to time, which is ideal for surfing and kiting in the waves, especially for advanced kiters.
Overall, the wind and water conditions in Fanes on Rhodes offer ideal conditions for kite and windsurfing. No matter if you are an experienced kiter or just starting out.
The beach of Fanes is about 800 m long and about 80 m wide, enough to launch and land your kite safely. The beach is completely lined by lush Almitika trees which invite you to linger in the shade during breaks or for “shop talk”.

The sandy beach is divided into 2 zones swimmers and water sports zone. Honestly, however, the beach of Fanes is firmly in kiter hand. If every day 15 bathers get lost in the swimmer zone there are many. Both zones are separated by buoys. When it gets very crowded on the water you are with max. 50 kiters at the same time on the water. However, the 6 km long bay up to Kalavada offers more than enough space for individual kite fun.
The shallow sandy entry into the water offers enough space as a standing area to practice the first water starts and body drags.

Of course! Kite surfing is all about fun and adventure, but safety is always a top priority. It’s great to hear that on Michael’s beach, between 10:00 and 18:00, someone is always watching all the action on the water from the beach, ready to help you with a boat in case of emergency. For Michael’s guests this service is offered free of charge.
You are never “alone” on the water – a really good and reassuring feeling.
When kite surfing it is important to follow the basic safety rules. First of all, you should always wear proper equipment. Don’t forget to check your kite equipment regularly and make sure it’s in good condition.
Before you go out on the water, you should carefully observe the weather conditions and the local conditions. It is advisable to get a short safety briefing from kite instructors before launching. Also, check with them about any special local customs and conditions. If you feel unsafe or have difficulties, do not hesitate to ask for help. The person on the beach with the boat is ready to assist in an emergency and get you safely back to shore.
Remember that kite surfing safety depends on each individual. By acting responsibly, following the rules and staying alert, you can enjoy a safe and memorable kite surfing experience.